1 | | Lectures on public economics / Anthony B. Atkinson, Joseph E. Stiglitz . - Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2015. - xxx, 532 p. ; 26 cm Mã xếp giá: 336 A875Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000003165 |
2 | | Political philosophies in moral conflict / Peter S. Wenz . - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007. - xvii, 430 tr. ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 320 W482Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005909 |
3 | | Taking sides : Clashing views on controversial issues in American foreign policy / Edited, selected, and with introductions by Andrew Bennett, George Shambaugh . - 4th ed. - Guilford, Conn. : Dushkin Pub. Group, 2008. - xxx, 368 tr. : Minh họa ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 327.73 T13Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000006025 |
4 | | Taking sides : Clashing views on political issues / Edited, selected, and with introductions by George McKenna, Stanley Feingold . - 15th ed. - Guilford, Conn. : Dushkin Pub. Group, 2007. - xxx, 414 tr. : Minh họa ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 320.973 T1Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005932 |
5 | | Voice of reason : why the left and right are wrong / Ronn Owens . - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, 2004. - xxi,248tr. ; 23cm Mã xếp giá: 306.20973 Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005883 |
6 | | White working class : Overcoming class cluelessness in America / Joan C. Williams . - Boston : Havard business review press, 2017. - 180 p. ; 22 cm Mã xếp giá: 305.5 W721Đăng ký cá biệt: 2000000236, Lầu 1 TV: 2000031548-50 |