Tài liệu số - Kết quả tìm kiếm

  206 tài liệu. Hiển thị:    
Protein degradation

Pathogenomics genome analysis of pathogenic microbes

Drug targeting organ-specific strategies

Plant biotechnology: current and future applications of genetically modified crops

Cell motility: From molecules to organisms

Careers with the pharmaceutical industry

Brain energetics and neuronal activity: applications to fMRI and medicine

Chemical concepts in pollutant behavior


Cell biology : A short course

Cell biology protocols

Computer applications in pharmaceutical research and development

Cancer diagnostics with DNA microarrays

Biomacromolecules : introduction to structure, function, and informatics

Pharmacometrics : the science of quantitative pharmacology

Our precarious habitat : It’s in your hands

Cancer bioinformatics

Biomineralization - Medical aspects of solubility

Những vấn đề chung về đổi mới giáo dục trung học cơ sở Môn Sinh học

Sampling and analysis of indoor microorganisms

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