Tài liệu số - Kết quả tìm kiếm

  801 tài liệu. Hiển thị:    
Understanding UMTS radio network modelling, planning and automated optimisation

Water wells and boreholes


HSDPA/HSUPA for UMTS: high speed radio access for mobile communications

Uncertain judgements: eliciting experts’ probabilities

Multi-voltage CMOS circuit design

Laser surface treatment of bio-implant materials

Advanced manufacturing technology for medical applications

Digital signal processing a practitioner’s approach

Immunogenomics and human disease

Nano mechanics and materials: theory, multiscale methods and applications

The chemistry of sulphones and sulphoxides

The chemistry of sulphonic acids, esters and their derivatives

Textbook of uncommon cancer

The chemistry of organophosphorus compounds volume 2

Survival analysis

Wireless communications over MIMO channels

Nondestructive testing of deep foundations

Analog VLSI circuits for the perception of visual motion

Understanding headaches and migraines


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