Tài liệu số - Kết quả tìm kiếm

  662 tài liệu. Hiển thị:    
FTTX concepts and applications

Transforming sustainability strategy into action: the chemical industry

Surfactant science and technology

Fourier analysis on finite groups with applications in signal processing and system design

Handbook of sensor networks: algorithms and architectures

Lightwave technology: telecommunication systems

Introduction to linear models and statistical inference

Meme media and meme market architectures: knowledge media for editing, distributing, and managing intellectual resources

Insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT theory and design

Antenna arraying techniques in the deep space network

Smart environments: technology, protocols and applications

Advances in chemical physics

Managing scientists: leadership strategies in scientific research

Molecular cancer therapeutics: strategies for drug discovery and development

Sige heterojunction bipolar transistors

Handbook of organopalladium chemistry for organic synthesis

Practical electromagnetics: from biomedical sciences to wireless communication

Esau's plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body: their structure, function, and development

Fundamentals of early clinical drug development: from synthesis design to formulation

Foundations for guided-wave optics


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