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  Tìm thấy  2  biểu ghi .   Tiếp tục tìm kiếm :
STTChọnThông tin ấn phẩm
1 Water and wastewater treatment technologies / edited by Xuan-Thanh Bui,...[et al.] . - Singapore : Springer, 2019. - xix, 526 p. : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm. - ( Energy, Environment, and Sustainability / Series editors: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Ashok Pandey )
  • Mã xếp giá: 363.73946
  • Đăng ký cá biệt: : KHMT22000056, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000000635
  • 2 Microalgae biotechnology for development of biofuel and wastewater treatment / edited by Md. Asraful Alam, Zhongming Wang . - Singapore : Springer, 2019. - vii, 655 p. ; 24 cm
  • Mã xếp giá: 610.28 M62
  • Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 2 KLF: 2000000631
  • Trang: 1
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