1 | | Lord, have mercy : praying for justice with conviction and humility / Claire E. Wolfteich . - 1st ed. - San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2006. - xxii, 215tr. ; 24cm Mã xếp giá: 248.3 W853Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031124, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005733 |
2 | | Red and blue God, black and blue church : Eyewitness accounts of how American churches are hijacking Jesus, bagging the Beatitudes, and worshiping the almighty dollar / Becky Garrison ; foreword by Robert Darden . - 1st ed. - San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2006. - xxiv, 177 tr. ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 277.3 G242Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031153, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005750 |