1 | | Blasphemy : How the religious right is hijacking our Declaration of Independence / Alan Dershowitz . - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - ix, 195 tr. ; 23 cm Mã xếp giá: 322 D438Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031716, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000006085 |
2 | | The bulldozer and the big tent : Blind Republicans, lame Democrats, and the recovery of American ideals / Todd Gitlin . - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - vi, 327 tr. ; 25 cm Mã xếp giá: 320.51 G53Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031698, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005926 |
3 | | The conservatives have no clothes : Why right-wing ideas keep failing / Greg Anrig . - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xii, 288 tr. ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 320.520973Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031700, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005927 |
4 | | Trainwreck : The end of the conservative revolution (and not a moment too soon) / Bill Press . - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - vii, 248 tr. ; 24 cm Mã xếp giá: 320.520973Đăng ký cá biệt: Lầu 1 TV: 2000031699, Lầu 2 KLF: 2000005928 |