Tài liệu số - Kết quả tìm kiếm

  837 tài liệu. Hiển thị:    
Mining graph data

Response surfaces, mixtures, and ridge analyses

Radio propagation and adaptive antennas for wireless communication links

Adaptive radar signal processing

Developing chemical information systems

New drug discovery and development

Six sigma: advanced tools for black belts and master black belts

ESD: RF technology and circuits

Multi-gigabit transmission over multimode optical fibre

New treatment strategies for dengue and other flaviviral diseases

Regression analysis by example

Ultra-wideband antennas and propagation for communications, radar and imaging

Intelligent internet knowledge networks processing of concepts and wisdom

High-performance gradient elution

Science, society, and the supermarket

Understanding uncertainty

Securing utility and energy infrastructures

Simulation-based lean six-sigma and design for six-sigma

Near-infrared spectroscopy in food science and technology

Managing projects in telecommunication services


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